Let me tell you about a worst defeat!

…do you remember when I told you about the feeling of being small in the wider sea? That was the last time I felt I am loosing before I begin. Well it has happen again and last night was especially hard as the dark forces signaled the dots of their joy at the event of my lose, eh…..ya…..and I …S .a… w… it with fear, but don’t worry love, as long as I have you by my side I am not scared, you are the queen of justice, ‘for all according to their work and their need’ as you always say it, I love it. As long as you see all my sweat and tears, that is all that matters, it has always been so to me, you give me courage when my body fizzles and feel I can go on. I know I have never directly said those words to you, but I am saying them now, the worst defeat is not to be able to count on love! Even when the game seem predetermined, even when light gets grim, even…even….even… even in all odds, love outlasts hate and inequity.

So just this once, I am putting all the force of your love, together with mine and of truth, to hold a pen and write Justice in Bold Letters on my blank pages, for I know love always outshines darkness.


A Blank Page by Tamar Mikadze


"A Blank Page" by Gabriela Yanez Atiencia